Games made, or not to be made

That is the question...

This section is dedicated to games I have made, or games that I may make in the future.

If you like any of these game ideas, or want to give me any feedback on it at all, please feel free to tell me about it through any of my social media or email! (I'll need all the advise I can get)

Image description: Picture of GAME OVER in red text, above it 5 pacman ghosts. Their colours and names, from left to right are: White ghost (Unknown), Blue ghost (Inky), Red ghost (Blinky), Pink ghost (Pinky), and Orange ghost (Clyde)
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Pacman Recreation - Working on it!

A recreation of Pacman, this is the first game in university that I'll be making. This is mostly for me to familiarise myself with C++ code, even after this is marked I would like to continue to improve it and upload it here.

Image description: Close up picture of a Bullfrog, sitting on a large flat rock, facing forward towards the camera.
Photo by Austin Santaniello on Unsplash

Balanced Diet - Not made yet...

A small game about stratigically placing frogs, each frog placed causes all the previously placed frogs to hop forward. Can you make sure they eat all the flies?

Image description: Old skull on wooden pole, missing jawbar, and has a chunk bone missing off of their left eye that lets you see inside of the skull's head slightly.
Photo by Max Kleinen on Unsplash

A Dead Shift - Not made yet...

You loved your job as it used to be the only job that had nice customers. Keywords: "Used to", but after a bit of a fall, and a veerryy minor... serious head wound. You now have to deal with said customers, while fighting off the grasps of death. Geez... Who knew working in a graveyard would be this stressful?

Image description:
Photo by Davide Cantelli on Unsplash

Rioma's Crumbling Tower - Only 1 level

Sick of waiting inside her tower, Rioma takes action and tries to escape the haunted castles imprisonment and its spooky residents, now she has to solve puzzles, jump between platforms, and avoid... maids? Well, either way that's the spirit Rioma!

Image description:
Photo by Shaun Davis

Panicked Peace! - Only 1 level (Broken)

In a parallel universe, a new war is appearing! Steal Guns so it never happens. Now you must run, dodge and avoid soldiers of war trying to get their weapons back.