Panicked Peace


"In a parallel universe, a new war is appearing! Steal Guns so it never happens. Now you must run, dodge and avoid soldiers of war trying to get their weapons back."


Panicked Peace will be a fast-paced 2D platformer game, that will become harder every level. I have chosen to make this game a platformer because it is one of the most popular genre (according to the statistics below), since platforming is a subgenre of Action it is counted with the rest of the subgenre in the Action genre statistics.

Levels will consist of the player traveling left to right completing platforming tasks, at the end of the level there will be a tower that the player has to enter to reach the next level. Inside this tower, there will be harder platforming, which the player has to do within a certain amount of time, as the tower begins to fill with poisonous gas.

The primary mission of the game is to collect as many guns as the player can, however, the soldiers will chase you throughout the level trying to get their guns back and the player will have to platform over dangerous obstacles (such as spikes). At the start of each level, it will count how many guns you stole the last level.

The number of stolen guns you have equal to the number of seconds you have for your head start. The player needs a head start at the beginning of each level because the soldiers from the last level will chase after you in the new level, they will also continue this the next level, while also adding the last levels soldiers. If the player has left a soldier with a gun in the last level, then they will be chased and shot at by that soldier in the next level, however, the player can pick up items to slow the soldiers down or speed themselves up.


The storyline for Panicked Peace is going to be simple and short, this is going to be done as it means that the player has no chance of becoming confused by the storyline, and it allows younger players to play the game without the need to understand a complex storyline, also this means that Panicked Peace can have more development time on its gameplay aspects instead of its narrative. (This is wanted because Panicked Peace is going to be a Ludology focused game)

You are a Hippie that has caught word that a country is secretly preparing to start a war, so you place your van on a raft and float on over to stop it from ever happening by stealing all their guns.